East 132nd Street Waterfront Park
132nd Street, Port Morris, Bronx NY
New York Restoration Project
OLIN, Civitas, MacLaren Engineers
The New York Restoration Project has been working with communities of the South Bronx on the Haven Project, a plan for mobility, health, and open space improvements in the South Bronx. Range designers are collaborating with the New York Restoration Project, OLIN, Civitas, McLaren Engineers and eDesign Dynamics on the design and construction of the first phase of the plan: the development of a coastal park in Port Morris. The project will create public access to the East River and Bronx Kill in an area that has no other parks on the water, the first step in a long-term process of reclaiming the social use and ecology of Bronx waterways, and rebuilding connections between communities interrupted by highways.
The coastal park is currently in concept design with schematic design to be completed late Fall 2017. Community meetings are being held on a regular basis to garner input and feedback about the design process. Check out New York Restoration Project's website for community meeting details: https://www.nyrp.org/about/programs/the-haven-project/